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Escondido Creek Conservancy Logo

Preserving the Natural Open Space Of The Escondido Creek Watershed
since 1991

Please Support The Escondido Creek Conservancy with your membership by printing this form and mailing it in with your tax deductible contribution, or click here ( DonateNow ) to use your credit card for fast and efficient processing of your donation, including recurring monthly donations. Members receive a complimentary copy of our quarterly newsletter, The Watershed Voice, and are acknowledged therein, unless anonymity is requested.

Basic Membership
__ $15 Student
__ $50 Individual or Family
All levels include quarterly newsletter & TECC window sticker

Friends of the Creek
__ $100 includes TECC baseball cap

Friends of the Creek
__ $300 includes cap and Eagle Creek 'Day Trek ES' day pack

Friends of the Creek
__ $500 includes cap, pack and invitation to Spring Celebration

Protectors of the Creek
(Membership at this level includes basic premiums plus other recognition as appropriate)
__ $1,000
__ $2,500
__ $5,000
__ other ___________

____ By checking here I am asking that you send me no premiums.

Street Address:___________________________________________________________________
Telephone Number:_________________ E-Mail Address:__________________________________

My company will match my gift:_______________________________________________________

____ Please send me information on volunteer opportunities
____ I have included TECC in my estate plans
____ I wish to remain anonymous

I want to join The Escondido Creek Conservancy . I have enclosed my TAX DEDUCTIBLE DONATION of $_____________ (Make checks payable to TECC )

Mail to: The Escondido Creek Conservancy, P.O. Box 460791, Escondido, CA 92046-0791

All gifts are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Securities are also acceptable -- Please contact the TECC office at 760.471.9354